Always Be Prepared or The Stormtroopers Are Here

I learned a valuable lesson the day I showed a SuperBook video. Fantastic friends have been giving me the SuperBook DVDs to use in my ministry here in Mexico. One of the most recent ones is on Peter’s Denial. I had all the equipment ready to go, or so I thought…

…Near the end of Sunday School I went to set up the equipment in order to be ready for the children to come in and watch the video without delay. The problem, I did not allow enough time to hook it all up and make sure it worked before the kids started storming in like stormtroopers ready to take over the building. It was as if I had my Lightsaber all spread out in pieces on the table and could not figure out fast enough how to get it put back together. I thought all was lost. That’s it, the young stormtroopers were going to haul me off to the Death Star.

I finally got the wires hooked up and the video up with music sound, but no speaking sound. Great!! Death star here we come. But then Han Solo aka Adrian, our pastor’s son helped by wiggling around some wires. Voices! The voices came on. Then off. Then on again. Wire connections! Rather like good connections with God. Jesus said that if you have good wire connection in me and I mine in you, you will produce very good sound. With bad wire connections you cannot do anything. (Okay, that isn’t exactly what he said, so if you want to see the actual text try Googling John 15:5 or Jesus vine branches as I just did.)

Finally! As I stood in a metaphorical pool of sweat, metaphorical because while it is getting hotter here it was not too bad that day, the video was on and the little stormtroopers (also metaphorical just in case you were wondering) were all in formation on the benches and chairs they lined up. I emphasize “they” because little by little I think the kids should do more and more of the “stuff” of meeting together. They really enjoyed the video. They actually sat through it and listened attentively. It was quite the miracle. Jesus is good at performing miracles. Actually the new SuperBook videos are really that good. And Jesus is good with miracles.

Tomorrow I plan on following up with some creative teaching elements and crafts with the kids concerning the video. I am curious to hear their responses about the video. I think they enjoyed it as one boy kept asking me if there was another one to watch.

If you have not seen the new SuperBook videos please check them out. Google Superbook Bible Stories, that should get you to their really cool website.

And now for the moral of the story. Always set up way early to make sure all functions as it should and always have a really good plan “B”. Maybe even a “C” and “D”… A really cool Lightsaber wouldn’t hurt either ;-P

Coming soon…the rest of the story on how it goes with the followup lesson and craft. The story of Peter’s denial and restoration has always been a longtime favorite of mine. Definitely pierces my heart every time and motivates me to serve the Lord faithfully but in humility knowing who I am in Him. A sinner saved by grace through faith only by what Jesus has done for me. Seeking to serve Him with all I’ve got.