Metal Puzzle

Metal Puzzle  - 2Metal Puzzle  - 1Description: two bent rods of metal that are linked together.

What they do: when they are linked together, it is difficult to figure out how to separate them. They make us wonder, think, and experiment, until the solution is discovered. If they are not linked together, they do not serve their purpose.

Bible Verses: James 1:5-8 and 3:17.

Sample Message: I have a fun trinket here. What do you think it is? It is a metal puzzle. There are two pieces. The object is to separate them. Some are very difficult and others are easier. What would help me separate them? Would a hammer help? Yes, but what would help me do it the intended way?

What about wisdom? Wisdom is to have experience and to know how things work. Or, being able to think; if I do such and such, this or that will likely happen, either good or bad.

What is a good way to acquire wisdom? The Bible tells us in James, “If you lack wisdom, you should ask God.” God loves to give us wisdom. It also says, “Ask without doubting.” Instead, we should believe in God. He will give us a lot of wisdom. It says, “The one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is tossed back and forth by the wind.” And, “Anyone who doubts is a double-minded person.” (Hold the two pieces of the puzzle up by your head on each side.) If these metal pieces are not together, they do not serve their purpose. Neither does a double-minded person.

We should ask God for wisdom. Let’s not doubt, but believe God. Then, he will help us discover what we must do to work out our puzzles or challenges of life. Plus, wisdom will help us be all these good things that are listed in James 3:17. (Read the verse.)